Spec Fic Novel Review • Last activity 20/Jan

A place for writers with book-length completed or nearly completed speculative fiction manuscripts to support each other with chapter-by-chapter full novel reviews.



Novels (Low magic/fantasy, Fantasy, Paranormal, Science Fiction, Horror)


Based on individual goals - everyone might be at a different point with their manuscripts, but the group's goals are to help everyone achieve their individual goals.

Admissions Policies

Send me a message with a brief description of your work-in-progress, including pitch, word count, genre, and manuscript goals (publication - traditional or self, agent representation, or something else?).

What we're looking for in members

Looking for active membership - regular critiques, regular q&a participation, and participation in group discussions.

Inactivity Policy

Members are asked to give the group a heads up if they are going to be MIA for more than a couple of weeks (i.e. if they are going to miss any deadlines). A reason isn't required, but notice is needed. If you are going to be away longer than two critique periods (four weeks), you may need to consider stepping away from the group.