Speculative Fiction • Last activity 11/Jan

We welcome all things Speculative Fiction. From Science Fiction to Fantasy. Let's help create alternate worlds together.



Novels (Low magic/fantasy, Fantasy, Paranormal, Science Fiction, Horror)


Our goal is to build each other up as writers. To learn from our mistakes and help each other become better at the art.

Admissions Policies

Send us a note about what you're working on and what you are looking for in a writing group.

What we're looking for in members

We're looking for writers who love reading speculative fiction works, who are interested in an active community to exchange works, and who will give critiques honestly, but also kindly and respectfully. Bonus points if you're working on your craft and are interested in sharing articles and resources with the group.

Inactivity Policy

After 30 days of inactivity (no submissions, critiques, or group chat) members will be contacted by the group moderator to see if you'd like to stay in the group. If we don't hear back from you, we will remove you to make way for those that may be on the waiting list. If this happens and you really DO want to participate, just send the group facilitator a note. The idea is not to be hard on anyone, but to have an active, vibrant community.