BIPOC Novelists • Last activity 06/Dec

This group is for Black, Indigenous and writers of color who are advanced fiction writers revising full manuscripts.  A space where we can be our authentic selves, honor each other's unique cultural experiences, and share the stories the world needs.  This group is for committed fiction writers of color who want to grow their writing with unconditional peer support and useful feedback.



Novels (Literary, Upmarket, Relationship fiction (sometimes called Women’s Fiction), Historical fiction, Low magic/fantasy, Fantasy, Paranormal, Science Fiction, Mystery, Crime, and Thriller, Romance)
Short Fiction (Flash Fiction, Literary, upmarket or general, Historical, Low magic/fantasy, Fantasy, Science Fiction, Other Speculative Fiction, Mystery, Crime, or Thriller, Romance)
Poetry (Poetry)
Nonfiction (Memoir, Narrative nonfiction, Essay, Other Short Nonfiction)


Picture Books (Fiction, Nonfiction)
Early Readers and Chapter Books (Early Readers and Chapter Books)
Middle Grade (Contemporary fiction, Historical Fiction, Adventure or Mystery, Low magic/fantasy, Fantasy, Science Fiction, Horror, Graphic Novel, Memoir, Nonfiction)
Young Adult (Contemporary fiction, Historical Fiction, Mystery, Crime, or Thriller, Low magic/fantasy, Fantasy, Paranormal, Science Fiction, Horror, Romance, Graphic Novel, Memoir, Nonfiction)


Give and receive useful feedback to improve our craft. Create a supportive community of writers of color.

Admissions Policies

Send in a brief writing bio and writing sample of up to 3 pages or 1000 words.

What we're looking for in members

Committed fiction writers of color who've studied the craft, had a long-standing writing practice and are working on a book-length project.

Inactivity Policy

Four weeks