Poem to Publish • Last activity 21/Oct

This group is for poets looking to polish up completed and worked-over poems for submission. Members can submit one to two poems per month and should offer critique on all submitted poems. Inactive members (two months without critiquing) will be removed and asked to rejoin when they have more time to commit to the group. 

Critiques, as always, are offered and received with compassion and grace, assuming the best intent of both parties. If a writer doesn't like a critique, they simply don't take it into account in revisions and refrain from arguing their case. A critique is a chance to gain the fresh perspective of a reader without the writer's explanation or insight. Take it or don't; that's the writer's prerogative. 



Poetry (Poetry)


Publish poems. Share publishing opportunities.

Admissions Policies

If interested in group, send a poem and a bit about your hopes for the group.

What we're looking for in members

Compassion. Integrity. Spirit of collaboration and support.

Inactivity Policy

Two months of no critique and you are removed from the group and asked to rejoin when you can commit to the group.