You'll submit your pages at the group start, then spend the next weeks critiquing peer stories. Jonathan will submit his notes near the critique deadline. After critiques are complete, we host a 2-hour group debrief, in which each writer gets 15 minutes of individual time with Jonathan to dig into feedback, brainstorm next steps, and discuss any writing questions.
Our goal with these events is to help writers become stronger storytellers. That said, each opening pages event we offer also comes with a submission opportunity.
Who this workshop is for: This workshop is best suited for writers querying, preparing to query, or who have an agent but are looking for a high level educational opportunity.
Focus: Adult - Novels - Literary - Adult - Novels - Upmarket - Adult - Novel…
Group size: 7 writers
Submissions: There will be one submission of your first 3750 words (approximately 15 pages) at the workshop start. Participants should also plan to share their pitch/short summary with their pages. Your pitch is not included in the word count and will not be critiqued.
Members: $105; Non-members: $127
We are pleased to offer a spot free of charge to a writer from a historically marginalized group. Applications for this scholarship have closed.
Jonathan Rosen is an agent at The Seymour Agency, and looking to represent a wide variety of genres. He is an author himself and has spent the last few years working as a freelance writer and editor. He goes into agenting with a knowledge of what it’s like to be on the author side of the trenches, to help guide writers along on their path to publication. He has a passion for books and wants to help as many people as possible get published. Jonathan's wishlist includes Mysteries, Thrillers, Historical Fiction, Sports, Romantic Comedy, and anything with humor for that matter. Being of Jewish-Mexican descent, he will always have an eye out for diverse voices, and in particular ones that reflect his background.
Wed, Feb 8th: Writers submit
Mon, Feb 27th: Critiques due
Thurs, March 2nd, 7-9 pm ET: Debrief call
Mon, March 6th: Group closes