Young Adult Fiction First Pages with Allison Hellegers

August 21st, 2024 - September 20th, 2024

with Allison Hellegers

Group started

You'll submit your pages at the group start, then spend the next weeks critiquing peer stories. Allison will submit her notes near the critique deadline. After critiques are complete, we host a 2-hour group debrief, in which each writer gets 15 minutes of individual time with Allison to dig into feedback, brainstorm next steps, and discuss any writing questions. 

Our goal with these events is to help writers become stronger storytellers. That said, each opening pages event we offer also comes with a submission opportunity.

<p>Writers may register for one YA workshop per season. The fall season runs from August 15th - Dec 31st. If spaces are available one month prior to a workshop starting, writers will be able to register for a second workshop.<br></p>


Who this workshop is for: <p>This workshop is best suited to advanced writers who are querying or preparing to do so, or agented writers who are looking for a high-level educational event,</p>

Focus: Children's - Young Adult - Contemporary fiction - Children'…

Group size: 7 writers

Submissions: <p>There will be one submission of up to 3750 words at the workshop start.&nbsp; Participants should also plan to share their pitch/short summary with their pages. Your pitch is not included in the word count and will not be critiqued.</p><p><span style="font-family: &quot;Open Sans&quot;, sans-serif; font-size: 15px; font-weight: 700;">Changes and Withdrawals Policy:&nbsp;</span></p><ul><li>2 months or more ahead of a workshop start: you will be credited the full amount of the workshop, less a $20 change fee.</li><li>Under 2 months to 14 days ahead of a workshop start: If we are able to replace you, you will be credited for the full workshop price less a $20 change fee. If we can't replace you, you will receive a credit for 50% of the workshop cost.&nbsp;</li><li>Withdrawals within 14 days of a workshop start: If we can replace you, you will receive a credit for 50% of the workshop price. If we cannot replace you, you will not receive a credit. Your fee will go towards our workshops and scholarships.&nbsp;</li></ul>


Members: $120; Non-members: $145

About Allison Hellegers

Allison Hellegers is Foreign Rights Director and Literary Agent for Stimola Literary Studio, with 23 years of publishing experience. She worked in editorial and literary scouting and she was the Director of Foreign Rights for Alloy Entertainment and Rights People, based in the UK. Allison is local to Brooklyn and as an agent is drawn to works for all ages that push boundaries, evoke emotion, and take readers on a journey. Her young adult clients include award winning authors Colby Cedar Smith (Call Me Athena) and Rebecca Caprara (Spin) and as well as graphic novel clients Teo Duvall (Brooms) and Mari Costa (Belle of the Ball). In YA, she loves a big hook and bold characters that sweep her off her feet. She’s especially excited for one of her latest sales by her client Michelle Jabès Corpora, who is writing Children’s of Khetara, “an ancient Egyptian Game of Thrones-eques YA series.” For all ages and genres, she’s is drawn to writers who excel at the craft and have a sharp, rich, and unique voice. She’s always looking for opportunities to highlight diverse creators. Allison likes contemporary fiction dealing with taboo topics, fantasy grounded in reality, historical fiction and myth retellings, lush horror, unreliable narrators, surrealist fiction, psychological stories, and speculative elements, but she loves when authors play with mixing genres or writing in verse.


  • Wed, August 21st - Submissions due
  • Wed, Sept 11th - Critiques due
  • Tues, Sept 17th, 12-2 pm ET - Debrief call on Zoom
  • Fri, Sept 20th - Group closes.