Adult Speculative Fiction with Arley Sorg

September 17th, 2024 - October 17th, 2024

with Arley Sorg

Group full

You'll submit your pages at the group start, then spend the next weeks critiquing peer stories. Arley will submit his notes near the critique deadline. After critiques are complete, we host a 2-hour group debrief, in which each writer gets 15 minutes of individual time with Arley to dig into feedback, brainstorm next steps, and discuss any writing questions. 

Our goal with these events is to help writers become stronger storytellers. That said, each opening pages event we offer also comes with a submission opportunity.


Who this workshop is for: This workshop is best suited for writers querying, preparing to query, or who have an agent but are looking for a high level educational opportunity.

Focus: Adult - Novels - Literary - Adult - Novels - Upmarket - Adult - Novel…

Group size: 7 writers

Submissions: There will be one submission of your first 3750 words (approximately 15 pages) at the workshop start. Participants should also plan to share their pitch/short summary with their pages. Your pitch is not included in the word count and will not be critiqued.


Members: $120; Non-members: $145

We are pleased to offer a spot free of charge to a writer from a historically marginalized group. Applications for this scholarship have closed.

About Arley Sorg

Arley Sorg is an associate agent at kt literary. He is a two-time World Fantasy Award Finalist and a three-time Locus Award Finalist for his work as co-Editor-in-Chief at Fantasy Magazine. Arley is also a SFWA Solstice Award Recipient, a Space Cowboy Award Recipient, and a finalist for two Ignyte Awards. Arley is senior editor at Locus, associate editor at both Lightspeed & Nightmare, a columnist for The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, and an interviewer for Clarkesworld. He has been a guest critiquer for the Odyssey Workshop, was the week five instructor for the 2023 Clarion West workshop, and is a Guest of Honour for the 2024 in-person Can*Con, among other teaching and speaking engagements.


  • Tues, Sept 17th - Writers submit
  • Tues, Oct 8th - Critiques due
  • Monday, Oct 14th - 7-9pm ET Zoom debrief
  • Wed, Oct 16th- Group closes

Changes and Withdrawals Policy:

  • 2 months or more ahead of a workshop start: you will be credited the full amount of the workshop, less a $20 change fee.
  • Under 2 months to 14 days ahead of a workshop start: If we are able to replace you, you will be credited for the full workshop price less a $20 change fee. If we can't replace you, you will receive a credit for 50% of the workshop cost. 
  • Withdrawals within 14 days of a workshop start: If we can replace you, you will receive a credit for 50% of the workshop price. If we cannot replace you, you will not receive a credit. Your fee will go towards our workshops and scholarships.