<p>You may register for one picture book workshop in spring/summer season.</p>
Who this workshop is for: <p>This workshop is geared towards picture book writers who are farther along in their journey. This includes agented writers, writers who have published picture books, and writers who are in the query trenches.<br></p>
Focus: Children's - Picture Books - Fiction
Group size: 4 writers
Submissions: <p>There will be two rounds of submissions. Writers will begin by submitting two stories. After the first round, writers will select a single story to work on for the second round of the workshop.</p><p><span style="font-family: "Open Sans", sans-serif; font-size: 15px; font-weight: 700;">Changes and Withdrawals Policy: </span></p><ul><li>2 months or more ahead of a workshop start: you will be credited the full amount of the workshop, less a $20 change fee.</li><li>Under 2 months to 14 days ahead of a workshop start: <u>if we are able to replace you</u>, you will be credited for the full workshop price less a $20 change fee. If we can't replace you, you will receive a credit for 50% of the workshop cost. </li><li>Withdrawals within 14 days of a workshop start: if we can replace you, you will receive a credit for 50% of the workshop price. If we cannot replace you, you will not receive a credit. Your fee will go towards our workshops and scholarships. </li></ul>
Members: $380; Non-members: $450