Inked Voices and John Cusick are pleased to offer a free spot to a person of color writing an #ownvoices work. To apply, fill out a short application here:
Who this workshop is for: Young Adult fiction writers interested in market and editorial feedback from an agent and interested in meeting other YA fiction writers.
Group size: 8 writers
Submissions: Writers should submit their first 3,750 words (15 pages) for critique.
Members: $82; Non-members: $99
John M. Cusick is an agent with Folio Jr. / Folio Literary Management, representing picture books, middle-grade, and young adult novels. He is also the author of GIRL PARTS and CHERRY MONEY BABY (Candlewick Press), as well as a regular speaker at writers conferences. His clients include New York Times Bestselling authors and award-winners. You can find him online at and on twitter, @johnmcusick.
Tues, Sept 26 - Writers submit
Tues Sept 26- Tues, Oct 10th: Writers critique one another's pieces
Mon Oct 9th-Tues Oct 10th: John posts critiques
Oct 10th - All critiques due!
Thurs, Oct 12th - Webinar debrief call 8-10:00pm ET
Thurs, Oct 20th - Group closes