Inked Voices & Karyn Fischer are pleased to offer a free spot in Karyn's upcoming YA workshop to a writer of color or from a diverse background. Apply by 8/12.
Who this workshop is for: YA fiction writers interested in market and editorial feedback from an agent and interested in meeting other YA writers.
Focus: Children's - Young Adult - Contemporary fiction
Group size: 8 writers
Submissions: There will be one submission of your first 3750 words (approximately 15 pages) at the workshop start. Participants should also plan to share their pitch/short summary with their pages. Your pitch is not included in the word count and will not be critiqued.
Members: $95; Non-members: $112
Karyn Fischer is a children’s book literary agent at BookStop Literary Agency and is actively looking to build her client list. She is particularly drawn to young adult and middle grade novels. Her favorite genres include gothic novels with twisty narratives and dark secrets, historical fiction, literary thrillers, well-drawn fantasy, heart-tugging contemporary stories, and genre blends. Karyn holds an MFA in Creative Writing, has completed three publishing internships, and previously worked as a bookseller and buyer in a small independent bookstore. Her background has given her a unique perspective on the book industry, as well as the skills to find and promote books she loves.
Karyn's editorial style:
"I approach a manuscript the same way I would a telescope—orienting myself with the big-picture view, before I can even think about zooming into the fine details through the viewfinder. My strengths lie in tackling the developmental pieces first—plot, character, voice, setting, etc.—and once the foundation is strong, I move to scene and line-level edits in subsequent rounds."
Monday, Sept 14th- Writers submit
Sun, Oct 4th - Critiques due
Wed, Oct 7th, 8-10pm ET - Debrief Call
Mon, Oct 12th - Group officially closes