Literary Endeavors • Last activity 31/Jan

This group is for literary short story writers and novelists who have studied the craft and are looking for feedback on their work.



Novels (Literary, Upmarket, Relationship fiction (sometimes called Women’s Fiction), Historical fiction)
Short Fiction (Flash Fiction, Literary, upmarket or general)
Nonfiction (Memoir, Narrative nonfiction)


Create polished work ready for publication.

Admissions Policies

Ask for an invitation.

What we're looking for in members

We're interested in members who are already producing intriguing work but would like some feedback to make sure what they've written is what they intended and has the desired effect. Critiques should be polite but honest. Grammar, spelling, plot, characters, pacing and dialogue should all be part of the critique. Inline comments can handle much of that, but a few paragraphs at the end saying why the writing worked or didn't can be most helpful. When you join, you commit to critiquing all submissions.