Remove a submission

You may remove your work from Critique or Review at any time. However, removing a submission with critiques is discouraged, because your group members will no longer be able to see the critiqued work. This inhibits group discussion and peer learning. Remember that your submission automatically moves from Critique to Review after the due date, and likewise from Review to your Dashboard.

To remove a submission from a group:

  1. Go to the Critique panel on your group workspace.
  2. Click Remove to the right of your submission.
  3. Your work will revert to your Dashboard. Any critiques received will continue to be available on your Dashboard.

When should you remove a submission?

The Remove option exists in case you spot an error or issue after submission and you’d like to revise before the group reviews your work. Please verify that critiques are not completed or in process before removing your work!

What happens to my credits when I remove a submission?

If you remove work before it is critiqued - i.e. if critiques are at 0 and no critiques are in process (as denoted by the eyeglasses symbol) - any credits used are returned to you. Make any changes and resubmit.

If you remove work after it is critiqued, you will lose your credits. This is out of courtesy to your fellow group members. If there is an eyeglasses symbol next to your piece, there is a critique in process and you will lose your credits.